Privacy Policy
We take your privacy very seriously. It is The NPK Marketplace Company's ("NPK Marketplace, Inc.) policy to respect the privacy of its online visitors and recipients of communications from NPK Marketplace. The purpose of this "Privacy Policy" is to tell you how we collect, store, use, and share information about you when you visit or use online services offered by NPK Marketplace or its affiliates that link to or reference this Privacy Policy (hereinafter "Website” or "Websites”), you are consenting to our collection, storage, use, and sharing of information about you as set forth in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our Websites. By accessing or using these Websites or opting-in to receive communications from NPK Marketplace, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

This policy applies to information we collect:
  • On Websites owned, provided, or operated by NPK Marketplace.
  • In email, text, and other electronic messages between you and NPK Marketplace, and;
  • When you interact with our advertising and applications on third-party websites and services and in communications if those applications or advertising include links to this Privacy Policy.
Compliance with Local Law

NPK Marketplace operates from its World Headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. However, this Site may be operated from the World Headquarters, from any of NPK Marketplace division and affiliates located around the world or hosted on our behalf by any third party. NPK Marketplace makes no warranty or representation that materials on this Site are appropriate or available for use in all locations around the world from which it may be accessible.

It does not apply to any information collected by NPK Marketplace offline or through other means, such as through websites operated by third parties, or information collected by third parties, including through any application or content that may link to or be accessible from or on the Website.

What Types of Information Does NPK Marketplace Collect and How Does NPK Marketplace Use this Information?

Personal Data

What is Personal Data and why should you care about what we do with it? Let’s start with how we define Personal Data: 

Personal Data is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked – directly or indirectly – to you or your household. 

So, what does that really mean? Personal Data is more than your name, address, and phone number - it includes all types of "identifiers" that can tie back to you. The crumbs of data connected to you when you create an account, purchase items, shop online, and share your preferences are all Personal Data. While we collect some of this information directly from you, a lot is collected behind the scenes. We use this information to better understand you as a shopper and your journey with us so that we can personalize your experience.

Checking Out

When you complete your order online, there is certain information we collect from you to process your transaction. Depending on the method used to purchase, we may collect your name, email address, shipping address, phone number, location, purchase information, and payment information.  We have partnered with third party delivery and pick-up services to make shopping with us that much easier.  These third parties may also collect data information.  Please consult these 3rd party data and privacy agreements for how they will manage your data information.  

Purchase Based Advertising 

We may use your purchase history and online interactions across websites that you visit and devices you use to predict your preferences and show you promotions and ads that are likely of interest to you. To provide relevant content and offers, we and our advertising partners use information collected from you to help us: 

  • Recognize your computer IP address as a previous visitor and save and remember any preferences that you may have while you were visiting one of our websites or a co-branded website.
  • Customize the content that you are shown while visiting our websites and potentially other websites. 
  • Improve the quality and presentation of our content and websites. 
  • Personalize your user experience. 

We also track, accumulate, and create reports related to our website and apps and measure the effectiveness of ads and content viewed on our websites or a co-branded website. 

Third-Party Promotions 

We may provide third-party brands with the opportunity to promote their product or brand to you. When we display content from these third-party brands, we do so without revealing your identity. Let us explain.

  • Third Party Brand puts together a list of desired demographics and interests for audiences they want to reach to sell a product or generally raise awareness about their product or company. 
  • We match that list against groupings we have created or can create about our customers. For example, customers who have purchased a similar product in the last 6 months. 
  • Once we find a match, we display the third-party's requested content to the selected audience. Because the content shown is based on a set of demographics and interests and not to specific individuals. These third-party brands do not know your identity. 

The third-party brand may request a report to measure the effectiveness of the advertisement and content viewed on the website. That data is provided in an aggregated format and not reported out at the individual level. In other words, we would report that 75% viewed the ad, and not list the name of the individual who viewed the ad. 

We may allow companies that show advertisements on our websites or apps to collect information from your browsers or devices through cookies or other technologies. We may also work with third parties to help us better understand you, to help us personalize marketing to you, and to provide data analytic services. 

Cookies, Pixels & Other Trackers 

Cookies and Pixels are pieces of code that lets us recognize you and your device(s) on, off, and across different services and devices where you interact with us or our ads. We also allow some third parties to use cookies on the ads and websites that we own. What does this mean? Cookies and similar technologies help us remember the website you've visited, help pre-fill information for you on forms and searches to make it easier for you, and help us deliver ads that are more relevant to you while letting us understand the effectiveness of those ads.
But we understand that cookies (pixels and other trackers) aren't for everybody, and you have options.

If you click to manage your settings, you can control cookies by choosing to turn on or off. You can also opt-out of cookies by going to your device settings for mobile apps.  You can read more about opting out of interest-based ads at NAI Consumer Opt-Out ( and opt-out of interest-based Google ads at Ad Settings ( 


We may collect your location details to help you search for or provide you with the address of our nearest Distribution Center.  We may use your location to help you find products or navigate our site. 

Mobile devices often provide the ability to adjust settings related to location, so if you do not want us to collect specific location information, you can check your mobile device's setting to see if you can modify it. 

Data Collection 

We collect Personal Data as part of the services we provide to understand you as a shopper, personalize your experiences with us, and to help us make business decisions. We collect your Personal Data in a variety of ways, but broadly there is information you give to us directly, the information we collect automatically or by observation from you, and finally, information we get about you from third parties. We’ve consolidated the list below to highlight the types of data we capture. This includes: 

  • Name and Contact Details (address, email, and phone number) 
  • Your Loyalty ID created when you sign up for our loyalty program 
  • Payment Details (when you shop in stores, order online or subscribe to our delivery services) 
  • Posts, Reviews, and Ratings (when you post a review, comment, or leave a rating on our website, e-Community, social media pages, or other user generated content on our websites or mobile services) 
  • Job Application related information (employment history, background and criminal information, education information, and other items including interests that you may voluntarily disclose on your resume, cover letter, or during interviews) 

Personal Data we collect automatically when you use our services: 

We also collect information about you when you use our services, whether that is visiting our stores, using our app, or browsing our website. The types of information we collect include: 
  • Browsing Behavior while on our website or app, which we collect using cookies or similar technologies (items you looked at, items put in the cart, ads or coupons clicked, and searches) 
  • Device Information across your different devices to help us personalize and be more consistent with what we serve to you (IP address, browser type, mobile device and advertising ID, operating system, carrier, language, and similar information) 
  • Location Information (to help you find the nearest Distribution Center) or to serve you relevant ads.

Personal Data we collect from Third Parties

We receive information such as device, browsing, and offline information from third parties for marketing purposes, such as to help deliver personalized ads on NPK Marketplace owned and third-party websites and mobile services. 

Personal Data you provide to us about others

You may also provide us information about family members, friends, or others, such as when you provide the name and contact information for someone who will pick up your orders, or when you send content from the e-Community to others who may find it interesting. If you provide us with this information, we will use it only for the specific purpose you provided it. 

Data Use 

There are many ways that we use data, generally, we use Personal Data to: 

  • Process and complete your transactions including, as applicable, order confirmation, billing, enrollment in our loyalty or other programs, and delivering products or Services. 
  • Provide customer service, including responding to your requests or inquiries. 
  • Personalize your experience with content and offers that are tailored to you, including special offers from other companies. 
  • Provide you with newsletters, articles, product or service alerts, new product or service announcements, savings awards, event invitations, and other information. 
  • Include you in market research, surveys, promotions, sweepstakes, and contests. 
  • Improve the way offers are made based on the purchasing decisions of our customers and improving the interactions visitors have with our Services. 
  • Evaluate your shopping experience or existing products and Services or to create new items. 
  • Alert you about a product safety announcement or recall or correction of an offer, promotion, or advertisement. 
  • Keep a record of our interactions with you if you place an order or otherwise deal with our representatives over the telephone or online. 
  • Verify and validate your identity or otherwise prevent, investigate, or provide notice of fraud, unlawful or criminal activity, or unauthorized access to or use of Personal Data, and our website or data systems. 
  • Comply with our legal obligations, including complying with law enforcement or governmental authority requests, participating in judicial proceedings, responding to requests from third parties based on their statutory rights against us (IP infringement, piracy, other unlawful activity) and investigating potentially fraudulent activity. 
  • Process and evaluate your application and related materials you submit as a job applicant. 
  • Interact with you when you contact us as a vendor or on behalf of another business. 
  • Enable you to interact with content service providers, whether by linking to their sites, viewing their content within our online environment, or by viewing our content within their online environment. 
  • Create aggregated, pseudonymized, or anonymized information for analytical and statistical purposes as permitted by applicable laws including for enforcing our Terms of Use, other agreements, and policies.

Data Sharing 

To provide our services and all of the other things that we have outlined in this Privacy Policy, we do share some of your Personal Data. In some cases, we couldn’t provide those services without sharing your Personal Data. In addition to what we have already described in this Privacy Policy, we disclose your Personal Data to the following: 

  • Our Subsidiaries. Our subsidiary entities may also collect and share the Personal Data described in this Privacy Policy with their parent, subsidiary, and affiliate entities for use in the ways described in this policy. 
  • Service Providers. We may disclose your Personal Data to our service providers to help handle parts of our business because of their expertise, resources, or scale. They help us do things like fulfill orders, process your payments and requests, verify your information, monitor activity on our Services, provide analysis and analytics, maintain databases, administer and monitor emails and marketing, administer and send mobile messages, serve ads on this and other services, provide consulting services, and otherwise perform actions consistent with the uses described above. We may also use them to host our sites, microsites, mobile sites, and mobile applications, conduct market research, or send you information regarding our products or Services or those of other companies with whom we conduct business. 
  • Third-Party Sellers. To offer the greatest selection possible to customers, certain products are offered to you online from third-party sellers. If you purchase products from third-party sellers, we will disclose the Personal Data necessary for those sellers to fulfill your order. 
  • Legal Process and Emergency Response. We may also disclose specific information about our sellers and customers if we have a good-faith belief that it’s necessary or authorized under the law or to protect our customers, the public, or our business. 
  • Certain Business Transfers. Your Personal Data may be disclosed as part of a corporate business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, or joint venture, or for the financing or sale of Company assets and could be transferred to another party as one of the business assets in such a transaction. It may also be disclosed in the event of the company’s insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership. 
Protecting Your Data 

We use various physical, electronic, and procedural measures designed to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. We use strong encryption when transmitting your Personal Data. However, because no data security systems are completely secure, we do not warrant that the Personal Data that you provide to us will be secure or safe from unauthorized access. While we work hard to keep your Personal Data safe, we want you to know there is always a risk. So, when you provide your Personal Data to us it is at your own risk. 

Data Storage & Processing 

Our websites and services are provided to sellers, buyers and guests of the Global community.  For the most part, the Personal Data described in this Privacy Policy is stored in the United States. However, we may transfer, process, and store this information in some other countries. By shopping with us, using our websites and mobile applications, you consent to the transfer to, and to the processing and storage of your Personal Data in countries outside of the United States where data protection laws may differ. 

Privacy Choices & Rights 

We will continue to innovate to live up to your shopping expectations and find ways to engage with you so that you will keep coming back to us for years to come. To provide you with the level of service you expect, we need to collect information about you, which we’ve done our best to describe here in this Privacy Policy. But when it comes to your data, you have choices too. This includes the ability to ask for access to the information we have collected about you or to ask us to delete your data. In some cases, we may not be able to delete your Personal Data, but if that is the case, we will let you know why (e.g., we need to comply with the law, to complete the transaction, and so on). Additionally, you can ask to opt out of the use of your data. If you are interested in exercising any of these options, you can contact us on this link.

There are some other choices you can make related to your Personal Data that we have outlined below: 

  • Emails Opt-Out. Send an unsubscribe request to our Customer Support Center or click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email that was sent to you and follow the directions to unsubscribe. 
  • Google Analytics Opt-Out. You may opt out of the aggregation and analysis of data collected about you on our website by Google Analytics by visiting and downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. 
  • Turn Off Location Information. You may have the ability to turn location-based services on and off by adjusting the settings of your internet browser or mobile device or, for some devices, by revoking permission for our advertising apps to access your location information. 
  • Custom Audience Campaigns Opt-Out. We sometimes work with third party platforms to serve ads to you as part of a customized campaign on those platforms. You may be able to opt-out of receiving these ads by adjusting your preferences within these third-party platforms. 

We seek to use reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect personal information within our organization. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us has been compromised), please contact us immediately.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Websites. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Websites.

Policy Changes 

We strive to be transparent with you about our data privacy practices and comply with the law. To do that, we may need to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. When changes are made, we will post the updated version and include the new effective date (at the top of the screen). We encourage you to visit our website periodically to view the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

State Specific Disclosures (California & Colorado) 

California Residents 

If you’re a resident of California, there are a few more things that we need to explain regarding Personal Data as outlined in several California laws (including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) as amended from time to time). This section doesn’t apply to Personal Data we capture from job applicants, current and former associates and independent contractors, and business-to-business activities. With one exception, sections 1 and 2 below apply to NPK Marketplace associates, candidates, and independent contractors. De-identified, aggregated, and some publicly available data are not considered Personal Data under California law and does not apply to this section, or the rights outlined below. 

This Notice applies to the Personal Data we collected from you during the 12 months prior to the effective date of this Notice. The information we have collected, and process depends on what services and interactions you have had with us.  
1. Collection and Use of Personal Data 

a. Categories of Personal Data We Collected About California Consumers: 

  • Identifiers such as name, alias, physical address, unique personal identifier, social security number, IP address, email address, phone number, customer number, account name, or other similar identifiers. 
  • Personal records such as physical characteristics or descriptions, signature, education, employment history, bank account information, medical information, or financial information. 
  • Customer Accounts/Commercial information such as records or personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, and other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • Online usage information such as Internet and other electronic network activity information including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
  • Geolocation data such as physical location.
There may be additional information that we collected that meets the CCPA’s definition of Personal Information (PI) but is not reflected by a category, in which case we will treat it as PI as required by the CCPA but will not include it when we are required to describe our practices by category of Personal Data. 

As permitted by applicable law, we do not treat De-identified data or Aggregate Consumer Information as PI and we reserve the right to convert or permit others to convert your PI into De-identified or Aggregate Consumer Information. We have no obligation to re-identify such information or keep it longer than we need it for our own purposes.

b.   Categories of Sources of Personal Data that We Collect: 

  • Directly from you. For example, when you create an account, make a purchase, browse our website, use our app(s), interact with our third-party social media pages or services, or apply for or accept an employment position with us. 
  • NPK Marketplace Customers - Your friends, family, or associations, including through their use of the Services. 
  • Directly and indirectly from activity on our Services, and Third-Party social media pages.
  • Social Media Networks. 
  • Advertising Companies. 
  • Service Providers who provide services on our behalf such as those used to fulfill orders, process your payments and requests, verify your information, monitor activity on our Services, provide analysis and analytics, maintain databases, administer, and monitor emails and marketing, administer, and send mobile messages, serve ads on this and other services, and provide consulting services. 
  • Third Party data providers Operating systems and platforms 
  • Credit agencies or bureaus.
  • Government entities and other public sources.
  • NPK Marketplace family of brands. 

c.  Business or Commercial Purposes: 

  • Providing customer service, including responding to your requests or inquiries. 
  • Processing and completing your transactions including, as applicable, order confirmation, billing, enrollment in our loyalty or other programs, and delivering products or Services. 
  • Personalizing your experience with our Services with content and offers that are tailored to you, including special offers from other companies. 
  • Providing you with newsletters, articles, product or service alerts, new product or service announcements, savings awards, event invitations, and other information. 
  • Including you in market research, surveys, promotions, sweepstakes, and contests. 
  • Improving our Services, such as the way offers are made for our Services based on the purchasing decisions of our customers and improving the interactions visitors have with our Services. 
  • Evaluating your shopping experience or existing products and Services or to create new items. 
  • Alerting you about a product safety announcement or recall or correction of an offer, promotion, or advertisement. 
  • Keeping a record of our interactions with you if you place an order or otherwise deal with our representatives over the telephone or online. 
  • Verifying and validating your identity or otherwise preventing, investigating, or providing notice of fraud, unlawful or criminal activity, or unauthorized access to or use of Personal Data, and our website or data systems.

2. Categories of Personal Data Disclosed

2.1 We may disclose the following categories of PI to Service Providers for a Business Purpose, or, at your direction, with Third Parties such as sponsors of promotions, sweepstakes, or contests. We disclosed the following:

Category of Personal Information Disclosed for a
Business Purpose Categories of Recipients
  • Identifiers
  • Personal Records
  • Characteristics
  • Internet/Network Activity
  • Customer Records/Commercial Information
  • Geolocation Data
  • Sensory Information
  • Inferences
  • Service Providers
  • Marketing/Advertising Agencies
  • Analytics & Retail Merchandising Vendors
  • Marketing Mix Measurement Providers, Compliance, Tech Performance Measurement, and other Service Providers
  • Social Networks
  • NPK Marketplace’ Affiliates
  • Governmental Authorities and Agencies
2.2 Categories of Personal Data Sold for a Business Purpose

We share your Personal Data with companies such as advertisers, marketing partners and platforms, data analytics providers, social media networks, and others to provide services that include, but is not limited to, product recommendations, delivering marketing messages, and sending you relevant offers. The types of PI shared may include unique identifiers (e.g., cookies and similar technologies), device information, geolocation data, commercial data, behavioral data, and inferences. We do not knowingly sell the PI of consumers under 18 years of age.

Privacy Notice for Canadian Residents

If you are a Canadian resident, Canadian law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information. To learn more about your Canadian privacy rights, visit:
ArriveCAN privacy notice -

a. Right to Know:

You have the right to request that we disclose to you the following information about Personal Data we Collect from you:

  • categories of Personal Data collected;
  • categories of sources of Personal Data collected;
  • the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling Personal Data;
  • the categories of third parties with whom we share Personal Data; and
  • the specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you over the past 12 months.

You also have a right to know if we have sold or disclosed your Personal Data for a business purpose over the past 12 months and, if so, the categories of Personal Data sold or disclosed and the categories of third parties to whom the Personal Data was sold or disclosed, along with the business or commercial purpose for which the Personal Data was sold or disclosed.  Once we receive your Request to Know, we are required to verify that you are the person that is the subject of the request (the "Verification Process”). The Verification Process consists of matching identifying information provided by you with the information we have about you in our records. Upon making a request, you will be asked to provide your name, email address, phone number, and request details. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide to begin the process to verify your identity. If we cannot verify your identity, we will not be able to respond to your request.

b. Right to Request Deletion of Personal Data

You have the right to request the deletion of your Personal Data collected or maintained by us ("Request to Delete"), subject to certain exceptions permitted by law. Examples of such exceptions include: to complete transactions and provide services you have requested from us or that are reasonably anticipated, for security purposes, for legitimate internal business purposes, including maintaining business records, to comply with law, to exercise or defend legal claims, and to cooperate with law enforcement. If we deny your request, we will explain the reasons in our response and, if applicable, will provide guidance to cure deficiencies in your request. To make a request to delete, please submit a verifiable consumer request pursuant to the instructions below. We will acknowledge your request within 10 business day and will attempt to respond substantively within 45 days. If we need additional time, we will let you know.  You may also make a request by phone by contacting us.

Once we receive your request to delete, we are required to verify that you are the person that is the subject of the request (the "Verification Process”). The Verification Process consists of matching identifying information provided by you with the information we have about you in our records. Upon making a request, you will be asked to provide your name, email address, phone numbers and request details. A confirmation will be sent to the email address you provide to begin the process to verify your identity and to confirm that you want to delete your information. If we cannot verify your identity, we will not be able to respond to your request.  You also have the option of requesting the deletion of your shopping history only.  

c. Right to Correct Inaccurate Personal Data

You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate Personal Data that we maintain about you. We will consider the nature of Personal Data and the purposes for which we process it. We may require documentation from you to process your request, including your name, email address, phone number, and request details.

Colorado Residents

Colorado Loyalty Program Disclosure

As you’ve already read, we may collect the following categories of Personal Data:

  • Identifiers including name, email, phone number, zip code.
  • Customer Account / Commercial Information including shopping history and distribution Centers.
  • Internet/Network Activity including IP address, activity logs, browsing history
  • Inferences drawn from one or more of the above, including a consumer’s shopping history, that reflect a shopping preference.  We collect this data to better understand you and your journey with us as a shopper, offer personalized deals and targeted ads, and help us make better business decisions and continuously improve. We may disclose your Personal Data to our processors and third parties, such as analytics companies, third-party advertisers, and other merchants, to help handle parts of our loyalty program because of their expertise, resources, or scale.  They help us do things like monitor activity on our services, serve ads on this and other services, and otherwise perform actions consistent with the uses described in this Privacy Policy. We may also use them to host our websites, webpages, and mobile applications, conduct market research, or send you information regarding our products or services or those of other companies with whom we conduct business.  You can opt out of this data sharing and targeted advertising by contacting us.  

European Union Data Privacy 

NPK Marketplace utilizes services provided by and through our data and technology partners for compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other Data Global Protection Laws. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the European Union's (EU) comprehensive data protection regulation. The GDPR is known for protecting fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data. Since May 1, 2018, drafted and passed by the EU, it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU. 

NPK Marketplace and our data and technology partners target consumers in the EU and collect data related to those consumers. Our data collection is within the scope of the GDPR and it is directly applicable to our business operations.

We have taken many steps to ensure GDPR compliance. Our data and technology partners are registered and verified vendors with major Consent Management Platforms, including but not limited to Google and the IAB. These data partners ingest the GDPR string and consent signal (IAB TCF mechanism) in the bid request from our inventory partners. If necessary, consent is obtained in the bid request, we will collect personal data including but not limited to the user’s advertising identifier, and precise location. For users from EEA who have given explicit opt-in consent, we are able to achieve expressive and accurate user targeting. 

GDPR Countries 2024

Czech Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom

List of countries with data protection laws similar to GDPR  

Switzerland  Data protection (
Isreal (
Turkey KİŞİSEL VERİLERİ KORUMA KURUMU | KVKK | Personal Data Protection Authority
South Africa  Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) - POPIA
Japan  (
South Korea  Statutes of the Republic of Korea (
New Zealand Privacy | New Zealand Ministry of Justice
Brazil  An overview of Brazil's LGPD (
Uruguay  Uruguay | ITechLaw
Canada  Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (

Global Resource of Data Protection Laws - DLA Piper Global Data Protection Laws of the World - World Map (

Opting Out of Digital Advertising

We work with third parties who collect information through the use of cookies and similar methods in order to serve you with relevant advertisements or to determine whether you have seen advertisements. This method of advertising is sometimes called "Interest-Based Advertising." To learn more about Interest-Based Advertising, your choices with respect to it, and to opt out of advertising programs that track your activities across multiple websites to deliver personalized advertising content to you, please visit:

Changes to this Privacy Policy

You can continue to find this Privacy Policy here or you may contact us with any questions. We reserve the right to modify our Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice. If we modify our Privacy Policy, we will post any changes here. Please check regularly for the most recent version of our Privacy Policy.

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this privacy policy and our privacy practices, contact us
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