About Us

Local Approach to a World Market

The goal of the NPK marketplace is to promote regenerative agricultural practices that improve soil health and biodiversity, reduce water pollution, reduce chemical use, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. To do this, we open new markets for eco-friendly products by connecting sellers with crop growers, gardeners, landscapers, schools, golf courses and more. We give growers local access to natural, NPK certified, climate-smart products, such as:
  • Natural Fertilizer
  • Micronutrients
  • Soil Amendments
  • Livestock Management
  • Farm Technology
  • Agricultural Consulting Services

  • Our mission starts with the local market. We focus on the distribution of regenerative growing products within specific local markets around the world. We provide turnkey solutions that instantly put sellers in front of a targeted audience within these markets. We aim to show farmers the wealth of options available when it comes to regenerative, sustainable growing, and make it easy for them to adopt eco-friendly practices. We also strive to give environment-conscious home gardeners and landscapers a way to do their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Our data-driven technology reaches out to all types of growers and home gardeners.

    Turns Waste into an Asset: For livestock farmers, the NPK Marketplace converts a global environmental problem into an asset by incentivizing growers to use sustainable fertilizer on their crops. Our custom outreach programs uncover new fertilizer and soil nutrient buyers within specific target markets, and we have designed every tool on our platform to help these growers find and measure the optimum nutrient product for their specific application.

    Soil Management: We understand that plants and crops need more than just "NPK". That’s why we include a mix of complimentary soil nutrient products and products from companies that promote sustainable growing practices. These companies use our platform and unique promotional system as a conduit to connect with our audience in local markets globally.

    Critical Supply Chain Link: NPK Marketplace connects the global supply chain for organic fertilizer and sustainable farming products. Buyers get visibility to a global range of products and can order on our platform, or directly from Sellers, or from third-party vendors. For Sellers, whether a start-up or established company, NPK Marketplace opens the door to greater reach into the market. Sellers benefit from instant access to over 1.8 million farms in the United States, and millions more worldwide!

    Our management team offers extensive combined experience in distribution and technology and has turned their expertise to making the NPK Marketplace a platform that fosters a commitment to adopting sustainable, low-emission farming practices.

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